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Meet Yourself In The Dark

Dark Night: Welcome


I come from Tianjin located in the north of China, very nearby Beijing. In the last year, I came to Glasgow, it shocks me that the daylight in winter such short. I feel really uncomfortable first, and then, I try to live in dark, stay with myself. I found that when people lookout in the dark night through the window, they only can see themselves. In dark night, the very long dark night, I think that it is a good change to meet yourself.

Dark Night: Text
meet yourself in the dark #01

meet yourself in the dark #01

meet yourself in the dark #02

meet yourself in the dark #02

meet yourself in the dark #04

meet yourself in the dark #04

meet yourself in the dark

meet yourself in the dark

Meet yourself in the dark #03

Meet yourself in the dark #03

Dark Night: Gallery
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